Favorite Resources

Cryptocurrency Research and Investment:

  • Our Network - Newsletter with great coverage on distributed applications, ecosystem overviews and just generally high quality, in depth research.

  • Token Terminal - Data and Analytics tools for Blockchain Networks.

  • The Block - Crypto news and research publication that covers a broad range of topics around the technology, people and businesses in the space.

  • Messari - Crypto news and research publication, similar to the Block but with more a focus on data & analytics.

  • Zapper - Investment Management and Discovery tool. Dashboard for all your DeFi investments.

  • Discord - Almost every project/company will have their own discord server, where the team shares updates/info and interacts with the community. Critical resource if you’re looking to better understand a project and it’s user base.

General Investing/Finance

  • Invest Like the Best (Podcast) - Really well done podcast where each episode is focused on a particular business or individual, often focusing on technology, investing or entrepreneurial subjects. The host, Patrick O'Shaughnessy, asks great questions and digs into the nuances of his guest’s expertise.

  • A16z Podcast - Lots of episodes and great content, often featuring entrepreneurs/founders of startups a16z has invested in

  • Money Stuff - Newsletter from Bloomberg Opinion writer Matt Levine covering the latest news in finance and technology. His conversational, casual style combined with his expert knowledge of law and finance together make for very entertaining and educational reading.

Entrepreneurship, Technology Tinkering, Software Tools

  • Notion - Very flexible tool for organizing your life, creating dashboards, tracking anything in an intuitive way. Functions like PowerPoint + Excel + Word + Evernote

  • MakerPad - Low and No Code education and entrepreneurship focused site. You can find demos & tutorials for a whole range of different technologies and use cases.

  • 1Password - Password Manager Service. If you don’t have a password manager, sign up for one today. It’s a huge step up for personal security, and it also makes creating and maintaining online accounts a breeze.


  • How to BBQ Right (YouTube Channel) - Wide variety of great BBQ recipes, from competition style to home cooking.

  • Anderson’s Smoke Show (YouTube Channel) - Mostly casual home cooking, but with some science and precision thrown in.

  • Mad Scientist BBQ (YouTube Channel) - Lots of great advice, emphasis on precision and full of explanations around the science of BBQ.

  • Kenji’s Cooking Show (YouTube Channel) - Fun, casual recipes. Kenji teaches a great variety of concepts and covers a range of dishes.